
Aistė Diržytė Aleksandras Patapas Ustina Fedkovič


This paper aims to reveal the features of subjective well-being of employees of statutory organizations, as subjective well-being of employees has been identified by many authors to be contributing to work efficiency. In Lithuania, this kind of research has not been carried out before, even though there have been several attempts to analyze subjective well-being of students or medical workers. This article presents a survey (n=120), which was conducted in Lithuania in 2014. The aims of this survey were to find out features of subjective wellbeing of employees of statutory organizations as well as to identify some factors contributing to it. The questionnaire used in this research consisted of several standardized scales: Lithuanian Subjective Well-being Scale (Bagdonas, 2013), Lithuanian Locus of Control Scale (based on the Rotter model, Bagdonas, 1988), Lithuanian Coping with Stress Scale (Valickas, Grakauskas, 2006). The results demonstrated statistically significant relationships between subjective well-being and internal locus of control. It also showed some significant relationships between subjective well-being and coping strategies. However, some additional research is needed to understand better the factors contributing to subjective well-being of employees of statutory organizations.


Management of Statutory Organizations