
Mykolas Dromantas


Treatments of the concepts “team” and “team work” in human resources management are analysed in the article, distinguishing their links with organizational psychology and organizational sociology. This is a new view to the team work as to the interdisciplinary research subject. There are no traditional methods to analyse organizational and individual activities, team-based modern organization is rendered comprehensively. Team and team work concepts, structural borders are purified, work organization activities research contents is provided taking into consideration the specific organizational context. It is concluded that team work as a phenomenon is subject of many social sciences (human resources management, organizational psychology, educology, organizational sociology etc.). Each of these sciences creates a peculiar (original) attitude towards the team work phenomenon. E. g., psychology explains the team work as interaction between individuals, educology deems it like competence, which can be trained and developed. In the organizational sociology context the team work is seen like interaction between groups and relations inside the organization. Neither of the mentioned social sciences taken separately can create versatile and universal theoretical image (model) of the team work which would be suitable to execute interdisciplinary research and to develop human resources management practice. After having analysed the role of team work, the premises of efficient functioning as well as opportunities in the contemporary work organizations, democratic reconstructing, qualitative role of team work is noted.

