
Robertas Jucevičius Laura Liugailaitė-Radzvickienė


There are only a few attempts in scientific literature trying to evaluate intelligence of the city and to find methods providing the better understanding of the phenomenon is still a big problem. The recent scientific literature is concerned mostly with describing the characteristics of the intelligent city, but points a little interest to the development of these features in a particular social system. The aim of the article is to propose criteria for evaluation of city’s intelligence. The article discusses the concept of city’s intelligence, the problem of its evaluation and provides the criteria for evaluation of city’s intelligence though understanding the developmental context in the external environment. The article points the need to evaluate intelligence of the city by using qualitative not only quantitative indicators with purpose to better understand not only the result of intelligence activities but also the mind-set by which that result came. Due to the complexity and ‘softness’ of the category the phenomenon of city’s intelligence can be better known only though integrated methodology.

