
Vitalija Rudzkienė Marija Burinskienė


Increasing impact of global market economy today accelerates changes in people's living and working conditions, increase migration and significantly exacerbates social problems. The purpose of this study is to disclose the relationship between social justice and social sustainability, to assess the set of social justice-forming factors, to evaluate the assumptions and opportunities of implementation of the social justice principles in the spatial planning.
The database of the international population survey was employed for the purpose of connecting perceived justice to macro socioeconomic factors. This connection provides insights into the perception of justice and its relationship with social sustainability indicators, and reveals the problems and tendencies related to the implementation of the socioeconomic development models of the society.
The methods of comparative analysis of scientific literature, statistical descriptive and correlation-regression analysis methods are applied for investigation.
Findings show that despite similar economic development and the same socioeconomic development models there were significant differences in the assessment of social justice of a country by its population and countries with higher ratings of confidence after a while tend to have a more cohesive society with lower levels of migration and social exclusion. The investigation also confirms occurrences of conflict at micro level and macro level in spatial planning procedures. Application of principles and methods of collaborative public management could be considered as the possible solutions for emerging issues.


Regional Development in Lithuania