
Viktoras Justickis Gintautas Valickas


The Therapeutic Jurisprudence (TJ) is an interdisciplinary field of science focusing on traumatic effects of the modern justice upon the mental health of people participating in it. TJ aims are to reform the traditionally cold, formalistic, indifferent to human feelings and merciless justice into a new, humanistic, warm, attentive to human
feelings justice. During the last two decades TJ has attracted great interest and has contributed to legal reforms in many countries. There is no doubt that TJ is about to come to this country. The aims of this paper are:
–   to present the TJ to the Lithuanian law community, to describe this phenomenon,
and its contribution to the development of the modern law;
–   to discuss TJ problems and its critics in the current scientific publications;
–   to delineate directions and boundaries of its application.
The paper reviews the current critics of TJ.

